A Message on COVID-19 from Capitol Glass


As we continue to monitor the impact of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, we will be following the latest guidelines put out by the CDC, local and state governments, and public health agencies. The well-being of our employees and their families is our utmost priority, as is continuing to maintain our relationships with our clients through providing the excellent service and quality products you’ve come to expect from us here at Capitol Glass. We have taken the following actions and precautions:

  • Additional cleaning procedures and frequency throughout the day on employee work stations, restrooms, lunchroom, and other key employee areas

  • Encourage any employee feeling ill to remain home until free of any symptoms

  • Practicing social distancing and limiting all office and Factory visits from outside vendors or facility tours.

  • Enabling work from home capabilities for applicable departments and key positions

  • Limiting all non-essential travel for 60 days and enabling telecommuting opportunities wherever possible

  • Updating marketing and sales to be relevant to the current climate

  • As of now, calls and deadlines are handled with the same turn-around time as always

There are currently no direct virus impacts or delays on production or shipping of products at Capitol Glass. For the time being, we will be reducing our office days to three days a week from Tuesday to Thursday, but we can still be reached by email and phone so do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. We will be keeping you updated as this situation progresses, and if any changes to our production or facilities come, we will let you know immediately. 

At Capitol Glass, we’ve been serving the New York community since 1946, and we will continue to do so to the best of our ability through the good and bad. We know these uncertain times are difficult, but rest assured that Capitol Glass will continue to be a trusted source of high-quality craftsmanship, and will maintain the reputation for the reliability our services provide.

As New Yorkers, we know better than anyone the value of helping each other in our communities during trying times. This is an opportunity for us all to pull together and hold up our city as we step toward the future. We appreciate your continued support and partnership during this difficult time.

Capitol Glass